Winmate Webinar

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Enhancing Defense Operations with Digital Transformation Webinar

Enhancing Defense Operations with Digital Transformation

duration 30-45 mins
EMEA Region APAC Region
June 10, 2021, 10 am(GMT+1) June 10, 2021, 5 pm(GMT+8)
Winmate Webinar Schedule

Information is a vital tool in defense operations. Militaries worldwide are embracing digital technologies that aids real-time information sharing to dominate their opponents. Some of our military customers make informed and timely decisions in the field by connecting our rugged tablets to their ground-based surveillance drones. At Winmate, we have successfully supported many customers in their digital transformation with our broad range of Military-grade solutions.

Join us on June 10th and transform your defense operations with our broad range of military-grade solutions.

- Operational Challenges - Military
- Overcoming challenges with Rugged solutions
- Winmate Military Grade solutions
- Successful Stories
- Why Winmate

Look forward to seeing you in the webinar. Let's get your business ready and blow the other competitors away in your projects.

For more information, visit

  1. Event registration deadline: Jun. 10, 2021 at 24:00 (GMT+8)
  2. Consumers agree to provide relevant information to Winmate Inc. (from now on referred to as Winmate) and the use of product marketing and public relations activities in the future. The above personal data shall not be disclosed to a third party, nor will it be used outside the scope mentioned above.
  3. All the information filled out by the consumer must be correct and valid. Those who fill in incompletely or incorrectly will be deemed to have waived their eligibility for redemption. In case of doubt, Winmate has the right to request consumers to provide relevant evidence to prove that they are the actual person. If they refuse to provide or the information provided is insufficient to confirm the authenticity of the participants' identity, Winmate has the right to cancel their prizes qualifications.
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