Winmate Webinar

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Making Aircraft Maintenance Easier & Efficient with Rugged Tablets

Making Aircraft Maintenance Easier & Efficient with Rugged Tablets

duration 30-45 mins
EMEA Region APAC Region
15 July 2021, 11 am(GMT+2) 15 July 2021, 5 pm(GMT+8)
Making Aircraft Maintenance Easier & Efficient with Rugged Tablets

Making Aircraft Maintenance Easier & Efficient with Rugged Tablets

While the impact of the pandemic has been dramatic for the aviation industry, what is great is that it has also given time for consolidation and innovation. According to Oliver Wyman’s 2021 MRO survey, more than 45% of major Airlines and MROs have invested in mobile handheld technologies such as tablets to increase efficiency and productivity. At Winmate, we have successfully supported many customers in their Digital Transformation with our wide range of Rugged Tablets.

Register now to learn how you can transform your Aircraft Maintenance operations with Winmate’s Rugged Tablets and FingerMind’s MRO suite.

- Aviation Market Recovery Trend
- How Tablets increase productivity in Aviation
- Winmate Rugged Tablets solutions for Maintenance
- Benefits and features of Winmate Rugged tablets
- Benefits and features of FingerMind MRO suite
- Application scenarios and Case studies

For more information, visit

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$50 Amazon Gift Card $50 Amazon Gift Card
LUCKY DRAW - Win a $50 Amazon Gift Card
  1. Register for the webinar and complete the survey for a chance to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card.
  2. The survey will be sent automatically at the end of each webinar session. Please complete the survey before July 16th.
  3. Winmate will inform all prize-winners via e-mail and our website at before September 27th. Please make sure you fill in the correct contact information.
  1. Event registration deadline: 2021/07/15 17:00 (GMT+8)
  2. Consumers agree to provide relevant information to Winmate Inc. (from now on referred to as Winmate) and the use of product marketing and public relations activities in the future. The above personal data shall not be disclosed to a third party, nor will it be used outside the scope mentioned above.
  3. All the information filled out by the consumer must be correct and valid. Those who fill in incompletely or incorrectly will be deemed to have waived their eligibility for redemption. In case of doubt, Winmate has the right to request consumers to provide relevant evidence to prove that they are the actual person. If they refuse to provide or the information provided is insufficient to confirm the authenticity of the participants' identity, Winmate has the right to cancel their prizes qualifications.
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